Anthony Consigli, CEO of Consigli construction has agreed to act as chair of this year’s Scouting for Food effort. This year’s drive will cover more territory than any previous Scouting for Food effort and Consigli, an Eagle Scout and longtime Scouting supporter, is up for the challenge!
This year Scouting for Food will take place on the first two weekends of November.
November 5: Scouts canvas their neighborhoods with door hangers. These door hangers explain Scouting for Food’s purpose and ask households to place a bag of non-perishable food items by their doors the following Saturday for pick up.
November 12: Pick Up Day! Scouts return to the houses they left door hangers with the previous week and pick up the bags of food. They take the food to a drop off point where it’s weighed and added to others. At the end of the day the units distribute the food to local pantries and food banks.